Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wii've been having some fun!

We decided to do part of our family Christmas a little early this year so that we could enjoy playing this...
I surprised Jason with a Wii and he jumped right in can you tell?

Hadley was a little unsure of what was going on!

Reese got in on the action

Since all of Jason's family lives in Missouri and Washington...Reese has gotten a lot of presents in the mail and we have been having a little Christmas every day!

Cooking with some play-doh

Reese showing Hadley one of her presents

Reese helped me make the cookies for her class party...she did great

Reese eating her cookie at the party

I helped out with Reese's "snack time" was really fun to see her with her friends

Sadly this little peanut was sad during the party...I had taken her to the doctor early that morning to find out she has a double ear infection! Reese and I are both getting over sinus infections and my little bit's ears are a mess! SAD!

But before you get too sad...look how happy she can be with an ear infection!

1 comment:

Merritt said...

enjoyed the latest pics. enjoy your christmas. reese will have and absolute blast and really get into it this year...