Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Songs for the Season

This title might be little misleading as the "songs" I am referring really have nothing to do with the Christmas season...more about a season in Reese's life. That season would be her fascination with the word NO! Oh, she has been saying the word for about a year now (she is a two year old) but recently she really has started to use it more that we would like. Now, with all of that said, for the past few weeks this is a song she has started singing...as recently as tonight I heard this loud and clear on the monitor!

"Mommy said no and I said yes...Mommy said no again and I said yes...(then my favorite part)...mommy said no and I said yes again...mommy said no no and I said yes yes!" If only you could hear it! Regardless it is funny...she really makes up songs about everything. And of course for you viewing pleasure of few pictures from this week!

Here is the singing queen and her favorite sister!

We headed over to the Zoo for Zoo Lights Safari on Chick Fil A night and Reese was in love with all of the Santa cows! Hadley was buddled up in the stroller...not a time for pictures with the cows!

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