Friday, November 6, 2009

Perfect Timing

So, when Reese was 17 months she started telling us when she was going potty. Well, I had heard that when they express interest you should give a little potty encouragement (I know she was young). So, we bought a little potty and just put it out and told her it was there if she wanted to go potty and that was all we said. She started asking to go about once or twice every two days. She was doing great and I she is totally going to be potty trained by the age of two! Well, as the last year has progressed she has continued to go more and more...but we were still far from being potty trained!

I had been in conflict because I would hear people say, "don't push them into going potty or they won't do it" or "don't miss the window to potty train them". So, we did a little of both, encouraging but not pushing too hard. Well, the end result:


The past few days Reese has been going to the potty on her own...TOTALLY! She gets up and says "don't help mommy", runs to the potty goes potty, washes her hands...the whole nine yards, all day long! I am so glad that she showed me the way to potty train...wait for them to be ready and give them some independence to do it themselves! We are so proud of her and it was perfect timing!

And now...I can't have a post without any are some funny ones of Reese hugging and laughing with her buddy Addie Gail Brooks. It was so funny to watch.

And finally our little bit Hadley giving you a big smile!

1 comment:

Merritt said...

way to go reese! potty-training is a huge accomplishment for all involved....and i love hadley's smile in that picture!