Saturday, November 12, 2011


Brynlee Noel is 9 months old!
Brynlee is still such a sweet baby and still really laid back. She just sits back and enjoys the shows that Reese and Hadley put on all day long! She has 4 teeth and grinds them...which gives my spine the shivers! And, as you can see she has a lot of hair! When the girls are in the tub washing her hair...she literally has almost as much as Hadley!
Brynlee is following Hadley's trail of taking her time with moving around. She does not crawl yet...she moves backwards and when she is sitting up she scoots all around! While I want her to crawl...there are days like yesterday that I am grateful that she is content to hang out. I took the girls to Pump it Up and Bryn just sat, smiled and watched most of the time.
She loves "reading" books and really loves being in the mix with everyone! Brynlee has started eating finger foods and she is doing really well! Bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, beans, bread, chicken and tofu are our staples right now! She will also try to take anything and everything that you have in your hand!
Brynlee loves to babble..."Dada" is still the favorite...but ever since Hadley's famous "Dirty Dog" phrase I swear Brynlee says it when Hadley does!
She LOVES to dance! Shocking since that is all Reese and Hadley do! Anytime there is any hint of music she starts moving her whole body and grinning!

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