Sunday, August 7, 2011


Someone had a birthday party...

IT WAS ME...(all week Hadley would say...guess who's having a party...ME)

Oh Yeah...and I am a ham!

We did a low key party at our house...really in the backyard. We invited a few friends and grilled out, watched the little ones swim and play...and just had fun! Aunt Ashley came a brought the girls a princess pool...which was a huge hit for the party!

Ashley and the girls

Here are the pools...Lillian was taking it all in...

The Beckner girls were a little wild...very unusual!

Pop came up to see Hadley and the girls and helped us get ready for the party...I knew he was here because while Reese was "suppose" to be taking her nap...I heard her squeal and say "Pop is here"!Random picture...but while I was taking pictures Reese wanted me to be sure to take a picture of the punch fountain...she called it! She was sooo excited about having punch (truth be told it was Crystal Light pink lemonade)

The eating area before the party started! We had the torches lit to keep away the mosquitoes...and I think it worked pretty well. I wish we had, had something to keep away the heat!
Bebe came over for the day as well to help out with the girls so we could get ready for the party...thank you Bebe! Hadley and Maggie...both with the same off!
Shocker...look who pulled her chair right up to the table...she was ready to eat!
Ellie taking a dip in the princess pool
The cute and soooo good! I love Publix...seriously they have done all the girls cakes! And while I know I could make my own for very cheap...everyone has their things they like...and well mine is cakes...I like them to look really cute...and if I made it...well let's just say it would taste good...but that is about all!
Hadley getting ready to blow out the candles...she is normally not shy...but I think everyone singing to her and looking at her shut her down a little!

Now I said shut her did not slow her down! She went after her cake!Hadley with her Aunt Memi ( Hadley's godmother) in her new outfit made by Grandma cute!

Opening some presents with daddy...she really loved the presents...but I guess typical 2nd child...Reese was all over ever present that Hadley opened...Hadley does not stand a chance!
A present from Grandma Shirla...a princess sleeping bag...thank goodness they can both fit in it!
We had a great time and these three were worn out! Lots of swimming, sweat and sugar will do that to you! Happy Birthday my little Hadley!

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