Monday, February 7, 2011

18 months

This is the month (week) of milestones in the Beckner almost 4 year old, 18 month old and one to soon enter this family!

Hadley turned 18 months old today! She truly is a joy for us and she makes me smile every day! (I do mean that...even though she makes me cry too). She continues to be a wild talker...she has been my little parrot for months but over the past 2 months she has begun to really communicate in sentence form. Some of her favorites are: "what making mommy?"...whenever I am in the kitchen/ "bump your head...sorry" telling me that she has hurt herself in some form and going ahead and saying "sorry" for me / "mommy take away" when she puts a toy or something in her mouth that she knows should not be in there/ and my favorite "whacha doing?" she says this all day cracks me up!
Just like Reese she loves books...and will bring them to me and say "read this....peease" A little miss independent for sure...she has mastered the slides for the past 2 months
she loves to go down backwards...taught all by herself

laughing the whole wayEating is still a favorite time to be silly...and messy
A new trick I guess you could say..."singing" at the dinner loud as she can!Right after this picture came the famous "whacha doing mommy?"
Hadley loves to carry her baby doll around all day...I am hoping that her love for her baby doll will translate to Brynlee very soon! little baby girl is soon to be a big sister!

1 comment:

Shirla and Dennis said...

She has had a good example of how to love her sister from Reese. I am sure she will pass along her big sister hugs and affection to Brynlee. We'll be praying for you all in the morning, Brynlee's Birth day. Love to all on this special day in your lives, when you become a team of five.
Sweet dreams,
Grandma Shirla