Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy First Birthday Hadley!

Today is Hadley Grace's first birthday...can you believe it? Seriously this year has flown by! Hadley truly is a joy...she is still crawling like a mad woman...not interested in walking...but I am ok with that. She still talks a lot and she imitates too! She has started blowing kisses and playing "peek-a-boo" with anyone willing. She is for sure still a snuggler...loves so holding and hugging time!

Continuing a family tradition now...we started the day at Botanical gardens to take some are some favorites I took.

Then...Party time...smiling with Aunt Memi
Fun eating with Hadley's friend MaggieReese had a great time eating with Addie Gail

Finally..cake time
Hadley was all smiles...until I took the big cake away...she thought she wasn't getting any! (and well technically she did not get that cake...but I know -here come the boos-I gave her a sugar free cupcake) She loved I was happy!
It's Good!

Really Good!

Loving on Bebe!

Again...this man was the champ for the day...he grilled all the food for everyone!

Looks like I should have had the sugar-free cake...I look like I'm on a sugar rush.


Hadley had lots of helpers to open the presents
We had an incredible day celebrating Hadley...and enjoying being with family and friends. Thank you for all the help!
Our Family

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