Sunday, June 13, 2010

More sunny days...

The beach continued to be an incredible trip for us. Both Reese and Hadley absolutely love the pool, the ocean and the sand....and Reese became more and more adventurous each day!

New favorite nighttime activity...trying to catch crabs here with Caitlin and Uncle Jonathan

Squeezing daddy soooo tight after eating dinner at The Red Bar...our favorite!

Mommy and Hadley...a little sweaty waiting to eat dinner (the only downside to Red Bar is that there is pretty much always a good wait)Reese holding a little baby lizard that she caught all by herself...he was soo tiny...and funny because he kept playing dead and then he would try to run away! (Don't worry no lizards were harmed this week...just loved on and put back)
Moving around on the sand...and getting some mouthfuls along the way
Daddy dug this hole for Reese to fill up with water!

Hadley digging her own play areaReese's graceful jumps into the pool...she has worked back up to where she was last year...and even better! She would swim from the steps almost to the middle of the pool to Jason or me without her vest...and she would jump off the side and swim to us too!

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