Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Day

I have never quite had a New Year' s Day like this one. Let's just say it was a day with 10 adults and 11 children from 10 weeks to 5 years old! It was so much fun and very wild! The Brooks' hosted a great New Year's Feast complete with a fried Turkey (compliments of Chris)! It was so fun to be able to celebrate with so many of my girlfriends from college and their kids!

Jason and Chris playing a little game of...well I can't remember what it was called!
Three little monkeys (Addie, Addie Gail and Reese) They had so much fun... they all play so well together...Addie and Addie Gail are about a month apart and Reese is about 9 months younger but you couldn't tell by height (Reese is so tall)!

Hadley with her Aunt Memi

Uncle Christ kept the kids entertained for a bit on the top bunk...let's just say that bunk was swaying by the end!

Addie Gail and Reese with their thumbs!
Little Miss Maggie was sound asleep most of the time (10 week old)
Hadley did some napping of her own in Maggie's bed!

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