Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, sadly as Reese and I watched part of the closing ceremonies of the Olympics on Sunday night...I realized that I was going to miss hearing Reese say "lympics" and of course our new favorite "nastics" also known as Gymnastics! I am sure like everyone else...our family has been glued to the TV for the last two weeks watching every event of the Olympics...even ones that I thought were a little strange...but none the less we cheered on our USA members! Reese really enjoyed the swimming, diving, running but Gymnastics takes the cake. The first night we watched as she began to immitate what the girls were doing on TV! I mean it was great. She would kick her leg out...pick her arms up...smile...pretend to do a roll or a turn. Watching her immitate them made me realize even more how much she watches everything I do and really everyone around her. All of that said, most days we have a 30 minute session of our own gymnastics. I get out my yoga mat, put Reese in her swimsuit, turn on some music and she goes to town. Sometimes she wants me to do stuff, but mainly it is the Reese show! Here are some pictures from this weekend...I was not fast enough to get some of the best moves! Watch out Nastia...Reese Kathryn is well on her way to her own GOLD medal!

1 comment:

The Reeds said...

She is SOOOO cute!! I wish I could watch her do her gymnastics!!