Sunday, September 26, 2010

Would you Could you...

In a Box or
In a swing,

On a roof...

Or a trampoline!

If you haven't figured it out...we have been reading Dr. Seuss way too much lately! Reese has pulled out a bunch of my old Dr. Seuss books and she loves anticipating the rhymes...she is really good at it. And, since I have been behind with the blog, I just wanted to catch you up on what we have been doing (don't 3 year olds were harmed while taking pictures on the roof...what...doesn't everyone put their child on the roof?)
Hadley is doing great...talking up a storm and she shocks everyone at grocery stores, church and the gym when she begins to say (very well) words. I think it is the fact that she is still pretty much bald that takes them by surprise! She loves saying Reese (Eese), Bailey, No, Baby, Banana (Manana), Ball, Books, Bite, More, Please (Pease), Nose, ect. She is a chatterbox! She is still taking her time walking...but she has begun to take a few steps on her own...she just goes too fast!
Reese is as active as ever! She loves going to 3 year old preschool and is really soaking up alot! She stared ballet a few weeks ago and she is really good! (pictures to come) Reese has become my little helper which I love; when we are eating breakfast and lunch she will go over by Hadley and feeds her, helps to set the table and to make dinner! She has really come into her own over the past few months and I know she is going to be a huge help when baby girl #3 arrives!
Here two members of the family who are worn out from all the craziness around here!

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