Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome to the sorority house

That would be the house of Beckner Tau Alpha...


Because we are having another GIRL!!!

These two are so excited...can you believe little sprout is going to be a big sister?

"Um...I'm not the baby girl anymore?"-Hadley

In each of my pregnancies I have never had a "feeling" of what we were going to have. This one has been the same...with the exception of this morning. Jason and I both woke up with a feeling of a little girl. Jason said he just had a picture of him with three little girls around him...and I just felt girl! For Reese and Hadley, we went to the ultrasound but did not let the tech show us what the baby was...they just printed it out and sealed it. We then went to Brio for dinner and open card in our own little moment! I love that tradition...we had to modify today and we went to Brio for lunch (our babysitter got sick last night and had to cancel). Hadley got to be with us and that was fun.

When I was getting ready to go meet Jason...I could not help but put on my pink shoes...I had a feeling...

Another tradition...taking a picture before the "reveal"...notice that Hadley sported a pink hat!Reese had school today...but when I picked her up and told her we were having a little girl...she squealed and said, "Yes, and her name is Belle". We will have to work on that, but I am glad for Reese's sake that baby #3 is a girl because Reese had informed me this morning that it was a sister...regardless of what we found out! Also, I reminded Jason this morning of the day (before we even knew Hadley was a girl) when I told him that I saw a commercial with a dad and three daughters and I felt like that would be him!


The Spann's said...

oh my goodness - that is awesome! i am shocked...i was thinking boy this time (i was thinking it last time too, so what do i know!). i'm so excited for the Beckner family!!! and i'm sad that i'm not your babysitter anymore!

Merritt said...

I am so excited for you guys...reese and hadley will be wonderful big sisters!!

The Reeds said...

Congratulations!!! You will have an AWESOME sorority with four beautiful, sweet girls!
I'm praying for your brother too!