Sunday, July 5, 2009


We had a great long weekend and enjoyed really celebrating this July 4th Independence Day. To show off her independence Reese did a lot of this...

Making art canvases out of ourselves

Doing a lot of independent dancing and making friends at the Farmer's Market

Finally...we swam every day...and this is what Reese did! Jumped off the side by herself and would not let anyone touch her until she came up! She has even gotten pretty good at turning and getting to the side by herself! We love independence.

And on a more serious you know what our Country's national Motto is? I honestly did not...but I found this truely amazing and affirming to me. (Despite the fact that a large amount of our political leaders continually try to cut God out of our Country.) Our national motto is, "In God We Trust". In 1956, the 84th Congress passed a joint resolution to make "In God We Trust" our national motto. Just thought you might find that interesting!

1 comment:

The Reeds said...

That paint looks fun! She is so cute! Glad yall had a great 4th!