Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A little discipline

Well, I must say that this is something I never really thought I would ever need to do with Reese (ha ha)! I mean come on...she is just perfect (look at that smile)! But, there are those times! Ok, really, she is 100% a 2 year old and I love it...even the times that I have to discipline her. We started with time outs and they were very effective. We slowly did have to move to spankings (more like taps on the back of the leg-mom is a whimp) but it works! I have known, but I am learning that with the process of growing up and learning comes the naturally born nature to do what you are not suppose to and as Reese's parents we want her to understand now so she will get it later! But, enough with the serious stuff...I was laughing today as we were taking a bath and Reese began to "discipline" her seahorse. I sat, watched and listened...and this is what I heard. "Seahorse you are in timeout because you did not obey, you get a spanking, I love you but I am not going to let you be bad, mommy said no and you did it anyway!" Are you was so funny and wow...she remembers everything. Although we don't say it all like that, for instance "let you be bad" but the interpretation was great!
Well, all that are some pictures to catch you up on the past few weeks of fun with Reese
We had a quick visit to South Carolina and Reese got to spend some time with Simon and Addie Gail
Reese reading on the potty
During our trip to South Carolina the Reichley family let Reese have her first go at playing the Wii!
Oh...and this would be the "blizzard" that we watched as we sat on I-85 trying to get home from South Carolina..though a little scary on the road it was beautiful!

1 comment:

Merritt said...

that is hilarious - it really is amazing what they pick up on and remember...