Friday, January 2, 2009

Four Christmases...maybe five, six...

Well to go along with the theme of the movie that came out, Four Christmases (which by the way was so funny) we too celebrated four Christmases...actually about 50 or that is what it felt like. The celebration began when my mom (Reese's Bebe) came to visit the weekend before Christmas. Reese was so excited with her new table and chair set to have tea parties at and all of the presents she was able to open. We took a trip to the ZOO and it was way too cold...but really fun. It was a great way to start off the Christmas celebration spree!

We began our traveling Christmases by flying to St. Louis to celebrate with Jason's Dad, Barb, Parker and Kaitlyn. Reese loved opening the presents (the vaccum was a huge hit), playing with Parker and Kaitlyn, but most of all chasing their dog patches around the house.

Then, we all got in the car to drive to Kansas city where we celebrated with Jason's mom (Reese's Grandma Shirla) and all of her family. Reese's highlight was throwing the ball with Fritz, opening presents and her new baby doll and stroller.

We left to head a little further north to celebrate with Jason's grandmother, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Reese had a blast playing and opening more presents. As you can see below she really enjoyed trapping patches in the baby bed.

The last stop was to fly home to Birmingham and then drive to Atlanta to celebrate with my dad (Reese's Pop), Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Ashley and Bebe! Again presents were so much fun and having her dogs Ellie and Bailey with us was a blast for her.
All of that was a wild and crazy Christmas but we enjoyed it all! Reese loved seeing everyone and LOVED opening presents! It was actually a little scary the way her eyes opened upon seeing any sort of wrapped package! We have had to slowly let her realize that Christmas is over and that there are no more presents to unwrap!

And now, after taking a few days to catch our breath we can realize how truely blessed we are to have so much family and the opportunity to see as many of them as possible. We are truely looking forward to 2009 and all of the excitement and joy it will bring as Reese continues to light up our lives in every way and as we continue to follow the direction that the Lord has for our family! Happy New Year!

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