Monday, February 10, 2014

This one turned 3...

Our little has turned 3!  With all of the winter storm craziness we had to reschedule Brynlee's birthday two times...but in the end she had the celebration she wanted...a cupcake celebration!  We had sandwiches in the shape of cupcakes, cupcakes to color, cupcakes to paint, cupcakes to decorate and eat and of course cookies in the shapes of cupcakes to take home and decorate.  She had a handful of her sweet little friend over and they colored, crafted, ate and played princess to their little hearts content!

Brynlee is truly our little spunky monkey!  She has the most contagious laugh (one that I hope she never looses), loves to flash a smile and give a hug to whoever and keeps us on our toes with her ability to throw a fit in a second and then have you smiling and laughing the next minute!  Talking about cupcakes, one thing I hope to never forget is that she still calls them "CUPCAPES" its so darn cute, I never correct her and get onto anyone who does!  She adores her sissies and takes any opportunity she can to be all up in their business!  She is my partner in crime each day cleaning the house, grocery shopping, running to the church for a meeting, reading books, cooking, ect.  You name it, she does it with me...most of the time without complaining.  We love our little Brynlee Boo as we call her, I love watching her grow and though I would like to stop it...I love the process.

The big three year old getting ready to open her presents

This was a "family" present that we gave the girls on Bryn's birthday for them all to share...and huge hit and surprisingly no fighting over it!

Digging into her "cupcape"

Messy, but a happy girl

There is really not a better picture to sum up Brynlee's personality that this one!  She likes to put her shoes on herself (hence they are on the wrong feet, and they are her sisters), she loves to wear sunglasses (again not hers) and she is a ham!  We love you Bryn!

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