Wednesday, May 11, 2011

3 months

I had such good intentions of posting this yesterday...on her actual 3 month birthday...but well intentions were all they were!

Moving on...little Bryn is 3 months...and she is getting bigger and bigger and cuter and cuter! She truely is a VERY easy baby! I am still not sure if it is because I am way more laid back this go around than I was with the other 2...or if she is just that easy. She just goes with the flow and honestly...she rarely cries! She sleeps great...normally from 10-6:30 or 7!!!! She naps great and well, she just hangs out! Brynlee smiles all of the time and she loves watching her sisters...especially after dinner time when Reese and Hadley take to the living room floor for some good dancing! (if you could only see it)! She still has so much hair...I can not believe it...the old man bald spot is coming on the back...but the rest is still there! And yes...she will be a red head...she has to be!

Here she is on her favorite playmat trying to roll over...she has made to her side so far! Oh that gets me every time!
Hadley looks a little drugged here...I promise she is not...I tried to get the moment before this of her loving her little sister!There is that smile again!The big and the little

I'm 3 months old!!!

1 comment:

Shirla and Dennis said...

Just can't wait to see the dancing redheads!
Love and hugs to all.
Grandma Shirla