Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sweet Words

Today, Reese and I were doing "arts and crafts" together...she stopped what she was doing, looked at me and said,"this makes my heart feel like cupcakes", then she just continued what she was doing. She said it like it was no big deal...little did she know that she had made my heart melt! These little things remind me that when the days are hard...long...and I feel like I will never have adult interaction is 100% worth it! The best part is that I don't even know where she came up with that, except that if there is one thing that makes Reese happier than anything it is cupcakes!


Shirla and Dennis said...
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Shirla and Dennis said...
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Shirla and Dennis said...

Investments with your little ones now, pays heavenly dividends later.

You are such a blessing to all,
Love, Grandma Shirla