Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tubes to the Rescue

This morning was early...We (Hadley and I) were up, dressed and in the car at 6:15 am! We headed over to Children's South so that Hadley could have tubes put in her ears. When I had Reese, I used to hear about tubes and pray Reese did not have to have them...while I am so glad Reese never needed them...I am SOOO GLAD that Hadley did get them this morning!

Hadley is so glad too...this was her right after having her vital signs done...she had the nurses wrapped around her fingers! Sadly things went a little south when she realized someone else was going to be pushing her in the cute little pink car to the operating room and Mommy would not be there!
Daddy and Reese met us there once Hadley went in for the procedure (around 8:15am)...this was Hadley after waking up from recovery, very tired and a little out of it.
All in went great. It was a long morning...but like I said I think it will be worth it. Hadley has continued to have problems with her ears and when we went to the ENT he said it appeared that her ears were not draining at all. When he spoke with me after the tubes were in...he said (sorry if this grosses you out) that they drained a lot of fluid out of both and old! Yuck! He said that it was clear that her "ear anatomy" was not flowing well.

So, it went well...and she seemed to be great all day. She was tired for sure...but in a great mood otherwise! Three of the nurses, the doctor and the anesthesiologist were all very intrigued to find out if baby girl #3 will have red hair like her sisters! We will have to see...honestly, I think it will be weird in she doesn't.

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