Ok, so with Reese being about one month away from being two years old it has got me thinking. There really are a lot of things that I did not fully understand until I became a mom…here goes!
1) People who leave grocery carts in the middle of a parking space! I mean it used to make me so mad…I used to think it is not that hard to just put the buggy in the buggy rack…until I was unloading a car in the freezing cold, or blazing hot and had little one with me as well. We have been in the store long enough and the idea that I would have to leave her in the car by herself…or roll her to the buggy rack then carry her back…to much! So, for those of you who just leave the buggy there…I get it! Now I just try to get the space right next to cart place.
2) People who said that taking a shower was their few moments of peace? What? I mean that statement alone made me sad for those people until I realized how true it is…
3) Mini vans…I am sorry, I know it sounds like a shallow thing…but honestly I never got them. I did not like them and I did not understand why people said they liked them. They are still not my vehicle of choice…but I totally get them now! All of the room…your child can get into the car themselves (unlike hiking up into a SUV) and they are just more accessible.
4) The love of a drive thru anything. I mean, I now imagine a world of drive thru post offices, drugstores, grocery stores, you name it…I want it.
5) Watching Sesame Street(or another pbs show)… I originally just thought that TV for children was wasteful and not educational! Ok, say what you want…but now I get it and I do think there is some value not to mention the value of my sanity for 30 minutes.
6) Pop Ice as a staple…for our house it has become that quite often. Now everytime Reese has a busted lip, here comes the pop ice…and pop ice chills the lip, stops the bleeding and Reese is in heaven.
7) Hand Sanitizer. Ok, so I have never been one of those germ-o-phobes until Reese turned about 6 months old and she began to touch everything and then put it, or her hands into her mouth and mine. Now as we approach 2 years old not much has changed…so we need stock in Purell.
8) Carrying wipes with you at all times. Who said wipes were just for dirty diapers. They are great for wiping hands down after playing and eating. They are actually great stain removers (fyi) for a lot of little spots on clothes and to clean of any place you may be going that needs a little touch up.
Well there it is. I know that all of you with 2, 3, 4 or however many children are reading this and thinking just wait until she has more than one. Well, all I have to say it you are probably right…but for now these are some things that I am finding new appreciation for as I continue to learn what being a mom is all about! And here is a picture of Little Miss Mischief herself!